Tuesday 1 October 2013

New beginnings...

A new month (my birthday month too!) and a shiny new blog - what could be better?!

Since you're reading this, it would be very rude of me not to say hello... so hello, and welcome! Thank you for stopping by my little corner of the Internet!

I'm Joni. I was born prematurely at 26 weeks weighing 2lb and was diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy at the age of 3. My CP affects just my legs, the left one more than the right. This blog is going to mention CP quite a bit, but don't worry I'll be chatting about other things too. My CP is just a tiny part of who I am.

Have you ever tried to introduce yourself in writing to people that you've probably never met? No? Well it's more difficult than you think!

Hmmm.... here goes... I live in England. 30-something (but we'll gloss over that part haha!). I work in an office for 40 hours per week. I'm a real introvert - INFJ and proud! Born worrier. Socially awkward. Perfectionist. Daydreamer. Bookworm. Tea drinker. OCD tendencies. Cross-stitcher. Sweetie eater. Weather geek - would love to go tornado chasing! I love glittery nail polish and stationery. I have the best friends and family in the world. I want to own an owl one day. Mum to Gizmo, possibly the cutest tabby cat that you'll ever see. I take too many photographs. Collector of Emma Bridgewater pottery and v partial to Cath Kidston pretties too!

Oh, and on 27th August 2013 I heard that I'd been accepted to receive Botox. No, not in my face (please resist the urge to comment!) but in my leg muscles. The beginning of my journey to easier walking and finally being able to wear sparkly ballet pumps.

A new start all round.

So that's me - why not say hello and tell me all about you!

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